Accelerator industries was founded in 1995 by owners Peter and Kristy Andonian. At the time, Peter and Kristy also owned Yardmaster Inc., a landscape maintenance business in the Pacific Northwest. The wet climate, in combination with the constant clogging issues that Yardmaster employees faced, caused Peter to begin thinking about building a catcher to work in all conditions. Drawing on a background in physics, an innovative mind, and his drive to succeed, in combination with the support of his wife and business partner – Peter went to the garage and started building. Accelerator was born.

As with any business, getting the product actually designed, built, refined and to market was a tall order. But, as luck would have it the local northwest landscape community responded favorably, and soon demand for the new catcher began to build. Accelerator was off and running.

Today, Accelerator Industries has a dealer and distributor network that spans the entire United States and beyond. The company maintains a state of the art manufacturing facility in Kent, Washington and produces catchers for nearly every commercial mower on the market. Their products have earned an industry wide reputation for excellence in quality, design and utility. Their hands on approach to customer service remains unmatched. Peter and Kristy have since sold their landscape business, but they have never forgotten their roots deep in the industry itself. Although running a business is never easy, Accelerator has been blessed since it’s inception and continues to grow and expand. The company continues to strive for excellence in the products it manufactures as well as in the service of it’s customers. With new products on the horizon, Accelerator looks forward to a bright future and to bringing our customers the quality products and service that they have come to expect.